Member Renewal

It’s Almost Renewal Time!

In order to remain a member in good standing of the International Coach Federation, you are required to renew your annual membership.

An ICF Membership provides the most current coaching research, global networking opportunities and competitively priced and highly reputable accreditation and credentialing programs.
It gives members a voice and opportunity to be involved in the future of their profession.

And, ICF promotes professional coaching, raising its profile with high standards and extolling the value of the coaching process in individuals, businesses and organizations reaching their full potential.

Renew Your Membership

Local Engagement is one of the primary benefits of joining ICF.

Every day, coaches around the world connect with ICF on a local level through the ICF Chapter in their region. At the chapter level, ICF Members can network with peers at chapter events, enjoy valuable continuing education offerings and help their communities flourish through pro bono coaching initiatives and other service projects.

ICF Chapters are led by local ICF Members. Volunteer opportunities vary among chapters but may include serving on a local Chapter board or committee or assisting with local public relations/marketing efforts.

Please consider selecting the ICF Ottawa Chapter as your local chapter affiliate when renewing your membership. If you are new to us, or new to the area we welcome your involvement and look forward to meeting you at one of a local events.