Trudy Chapman

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Change comes upon us regularly and we seem to manage just fine… until we don’t. At these times, we need someone to listen to us as we talk around new opportunities or concerns, seeking out new possibilities. That’s where a coach can help.

A coach is part guide, part support, and part mirror. They can help people reach their own individual solutions to work and life issues that may currently limit personal or organizational growth and vocational success. My own style is to provide support to my clients with kindness and non-judgment so they can see themselves clearly, address their habits of behaviour that may be getting in their way, and make choices about their way forward that align with what they value.

I have been a coach since 2014 when I earned my Professional Certified Coach (PCC) certification. I have been self employed in a variety of capacities since 1990 so have been around the block a few times now. I have been married, divorced, and married again; raised two sons into fine young men and welcomed two adult step children into my life. I have buried my mother and helped my father through grief and into widowed life. I am a friend and a sister, a writer and a podcaster. In short, I have lived a full life and all that I have learned in that life comes to bear in my coaching.

I have taken my coach training seriously since earning my PCC and am: certified in the EQ-i and EQ 360 for evaluating emotional intelligence; trained in using the Enneagram, a personality framework for personal development; trained in conducting CoachingvCircles; and have significant training in using somatic coaching techniques via Coaches Rising and the Strozzi Institute. I meditate daily and I take my physical wellness seriously. I walk in the forest daily with my husband, communing with the trees and the life there. In these ways and others, I stay attentive to balance in my life so I do not get in my own way as I hold space for and listen deeply to my clients. I remain, however, a work in progress, just like you.

I have a BAH from Queen’s University (1991) and an MA in Journalism from the University of Western Ontario (2001). I have worked in a variety of types of consulting from health planning to strategic communications and policy advice, and have served clients including governments, industry associations, and not-for profit organizations. I used to work for CBC Radio in Toronto, working in sound as a radio journalist. I feel I have come full circle with the launch of my podcast, Meanderings with Trudy, where I explore joy in our everyday lives – this was my response to the heaviness of COVID. I’ve been podcasting now for three years and love it.

I have lived on both coasts (Newfoundland and Vancouver Island) and many places in between as my father served in the Canadian military. My family also lived overseas in Israel and Italy as part of the diplomatic staff of Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.

I hope you’ll reach out if there is some way I can support you as you face down change and upheaval in your life.

Chapman Coaching Inc.
I hold a current ICF credential (ACC, PCC, MCC)