World Business Executive Forum
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Date(s) - Wed, 11 May 2016 - Wed, 1 June 2016
All Day

Some of you may have experienced the WBEC forum over the past two years and are likely aware of the following. We are posting for those of you who have not had that experience.I just want to give you a heads-up that registration for the complimentary WBECS Pre-Summit closes in 24 hours!

There are more than 45 live sessions for you to choose from with limited availability and only a few more seats are still open. I highly recommend that you register right away.

>>> Click here to register for WBECS 2016 <<< 

You are going to learn some of the most profound and impactful coaching tools, methodologies and frameworks that I’ve ever come across – at absolutely no cost. All the sessions are 100% pitch-free and the presenters consistently deliver outstanding value – the kind of content that you can apply in your own coaching right away.

I only recommend other people’s content if I truly believe that what they have to share is a game changer. And WBECS has definitely had a tremendous impact on my confidence, skill-set and success as a coach.

See for yourself and register for the Pre-Summit now before all the seats are taken.