NA Lunch and Learn
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Date(s) - Tue, 18 May 2021
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Easy Change vs. Hard Change (The Difference Every Coach MUST Know)

Location: Zoom Conference
ICFNE only – Premier Member = Free,  ICF Member / Affiliate = $20, Non-Member = $30

Special Regional International Coaching Week Event offered by ICF Northeast Chapters.

If you’re a coach, you’re a catalyst for change. But change is difficult is because we muddle up the difference between Easy Change and Hard Change. If you’re not clear on the difference, you can spend pointless time, money, and energy applying the wrong tools to make progress. In this highly interactive webinar, Michael Bungay Stanier will tease apart the difference between these types of change and give you practical strategies for working with clients.

If you’re a coach, you’re a catalyst for change. You’re helping your clients glean new insights, put them into action, and become different. (No wonder we all love this job.). But change is difficult. One of the reasons it’s difficult is that we muddle up the difference between Easy Change and Hard Change. If you’re not clear on the difference, you can spend pointless time, money, and energy applying the wrong tools to make progress.

In this practical, highly interactive, and thoroughly engaging webinar, Michael Bungay Stanier will

  • Tease apart the difference between Easy Change and Hard Change
  • Confirm the strategies that already work for Easy Change
  • Illuminate the shadows of Hard Change, in particular, the two big questions that people don’t ask enough
  • Understand the role of sacrifice in the commitment to progress
  • Provide an excess of metaphors about … everything. (He’s big on metaphors.)
  • Engage you in small group discussions and leave plenty of time for questions

There’s a lot here. This webinar will change you, and it will help you be a catalyst of change for your clients.

Learning Objectives

  • To learn the difference between Easy Change and Hard Change
  • To understand how to apply those differences in coaching situations


  • Intro
  • Check-in on focus and engagement
  • What’s coaching?
  • Easy Change vs Hard Change
  • Setting a Worthy Goal
  • Weighing up Prizes and Punishments
  • Q&A as time allows

We’ll be using the chat a LOT. Also, I’d like a co-presenter, someone who becomes “the voice of the audience” and with whom I can interact. Best if not a(nother) white man.

Each of the sections involves people sharing their thoughts and key learnings via chat.

No breakouts.