Suzanne Drouin, MPA, Integral Master Coach™, PCC

(613) 746-0104(613) 746-0104
(613) 327-5494(613) 327-5494

Many professionals, managers and leaders encounter challenges that become opportunities to look critically at themselves, tap new resources, and refocus their energies. This process can bring them closer to realizing their higher goals, but it can be a solitary journey. It certainly doesn’t need to be. Through individual and/or team coaching, you can surpass your limits, maximize your talents and add even more value, sooner than you might have on your own. Through an integral coaching approach, I will help you develop “muscles” to respond positively to personal and professional issues. It will also help you find opportunities to adopt a more healthy and balanced life.

I bring to my coaching a combination of rich life experience, executive-level leadership in Canadian post-secondary education and international development; graduate studies in public administration; rigorous training as a certified integral master coach and full proficiency in French and English.

In addition to one-on-one and team coaching sessions, I offer check in with you between sessions and offer complimentary resources targeted to your growth (e.g. videos, articles, books, quotes, poems, etc.).


Drouin Coaching & Consulting
I hold a current ICF credential (ACC, PCC, MCC)