Rebecca Wilson, MBA, ACC | Mindful Leadership and Life Coach


I help leaders deepen their sense of presence, purpose and impact.

Here’s why I do this work:

I spent much of my early life identifying with my achievement-oriented and people-pleasing tendencies.

After years of pursuing goal after goal, I came to a life-changing realization.

Despite all the achievements and external validation, I felt directionless, unfulfilled, and out of touch with myself.

It was like I’d spent a decade just “going through the motions”.

I felt a strong call to tap into a deeper sense of meaning and vitality in my life, work and being.

I began to explore yoga, mindfulness, travel, intentional living, and conscious leadership.

Over time, I saw my life change from the inside-out as I began to embody a more calm, grounded presence.

These shifts in my inner world rippled into my professional life, where I learned to work with greater focus, ease, authenticity, and impact.

My new, more mindful way of being made me a more effective leader.

My desire to help others bring greater intentionality into their lives and work inspired me to become a yoga and mindfulness teacher, to train as an ICF certified coach and to launch Arborvida.

Arborvida’s vision is a world where every leader embraces a sense of mindful intention and compassionate presence.

Arborvida - Live & Lead with Intention
I hold a current ICF credential (ACC, PCC, MCC)