Pamela Burwash, BComm, ACC | Values + Mindset Coach | Transformational Coaching


As a values and mindset coach, I am passionate about helping my clients identify their core values and then use them to create and propel them into their grandest vision for their life.

Whether it be a career transition, a longing for more, or the feeling of being stuck and looking outside for answers, our values provide insight and wisdom for us to get curious about our next best steps.

As someone who looked outside myself for answers, it was only once I got so clear about what was non-negotiable for me – my values – did it become easier to take the small steps and make the choices I needed to put me on the path to my intentional life.

My coaching style is rooted in empowerment, compassion, empathy, and presence.
I believe in your individual wholeness and unique capabilities.

Pamela Burwash Coaching
I hold a current ICF credential (ACC, PCC, MCC)