Alexandra Salamis MA, ACC, Coach, Consultant and Coach Trainer

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Your success is my success! As a former executive and as a coach I’ve been in the biz for over 20 years working with people to create real-world solutions in this era of rapid and unpredictable change. Working internationally, I am known for challenging and inspiring leaders, teams and organizations to shift their perspectives and expand their horizons to implement lasting change and breakthrough performance success.

Coaching with me provides immediate insights in real time. To get the most out of your coaching engagement, come ready to open up – in a trusting, supportive, confidential environment – about the issues in your personal and professional life. I also specialize in leadership development coaching for women.

Most recently, I’ve been ranked as one of the top 21 career coaches in Ottawa by Influence Digest Magazine.

Integral Leadership Design
I hold a current ICF credential (ACC, PCC, MCC)